Recently continuing an unfinished project called Dungeon Ruins.
- Each game starts with a ramdomly generated map.
- The goal of the game is to rebuild your dungeon (add walls, doors)
- Build farms to produce workers, forges to produces weapons. Workers can be converted to soldiers.
- There are not yet an experience system, but the king and the workes/soldiers can be equiped.
- Some giants rats appears during the game. Planing to add more monsters.
- Currently working on the doors, doors can be selected, destroyed, repaired, upgraded and attacked only by a certain type of monsters (like Gobelins).
- Planning to add special objects on the maps, the king could have some special habilities.
- Planning to add touch capabilities to make it works on mobile platforms.
Most of hard works are done (like workers can collect ressources, map generation, fighting system is implemented), but has to work on game details, monsters, game's balance, that needs time.