Starting a new game project: Dungeon ruins.
You play a king who lost a decisive battle and your dungeon is in ruins. Your main goal is to repair your dungeon. Some villagers will help you.
Here an early version screenshot:
What is done:
- Generating small map (forest and montain) with a random based algorithm.
- Placing a dungeon on the map, just one room that contains a treasure is not destroyed.
- The player can build walls, farms, and forges.
- The king can be selected and move on the map.
- The villagers can be selected and can received orders like collect woods and rocks.
What's next:
- Display on the HUD the villagers and king's information like life, defense, attack...
- When selecting a farm: display a button to create new villagers according to the limit of population.
- Display a button to destroy a farm or a forge.
- On the villager's HUD display a button to permit a soldier's conversion. It means that he can receive more orders and equipments.
- Generate names for villagers
- Generate enemies
- Generate some random objectives
- Place doors
Looking good so far!